Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Open your eyes!

Ariana Salisa
Allyrio de Sousa
Kleison Açucena
Maria de Fátima de Araujo

My bare feet slipped on the floor. It seemed I was walking on thin ice. I should be careful looking out my back because I had no idea what would happen if that bag released. It would be such a horrible sensation having those small pieces scattered all over place. I heard a cricket noise, however it was my alarm clock ringing. I took it out from my pocket fast and turned off the alarm. Otherwise, I would get in trouble. Suddenly, I could see the phone through that blur and black room . For somehow my hand trembled as I punched the number into the phone because a male voice that had disturbed my sleep became pretty clear in my mind. In that moment I figured out that my uncle and I were not alone anymore as it was supposed to be, once my family had been out of town. All of a sudden, the kitchen lamp turned on. By that time, I indeed wished to be dreamming or even having a nightmare.
But unfortunately I was not, and while I was thinking what I should do, I heard noisy steps coming from the corridor. My heart did beat up. A shade crossed the hallway. The thoughts messed up my mind. I should do something in that moment, or I would be found unexpectedly. On the other hand, it could be my unique chance to scape in scot free way. I had no time to keep thinking of anything. I just ran away without looking behind. In my confused mind many hyphoteses came out, such as "if the invader killed my uncle? Should I stay and fight against him? Maybe, if somebody else could help us out, calling 911!" OMG, what should I do?" I ran outside in order to look for help. Then I paid attention to a little green door next to the gateway. I just touched it. It opened without any effort. I saw a guy lying on the floor. His eyes were closed and there was a letter in his hand. Carefully, I took it from his hand, opened it up and read the following note. "Hey, it's time to wake up! Hurry up because there is a bomb in your backpack. In few minutes it will b..... BUMMMM."

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