André Marinho
Andrew Yan
Frederico Bragança
Rejane Medeiros
There are those four classmates, three boys and a girl. They had just started their studies of science in the University of Macaible. The younger one, AA Andrew is a tiny boy, tanned from the sun, because he does really appreciate waking up early to go surfing. F Frenzy is an intersting boy, with short black hair and deep blue eyes. He likes countryside music and goes out frequently and have a particular passion for an old woman. A Marinho is very tall, light skinned and he is a strong and brilliant student, who really loves maths . The girl, she is very different, likes hard rock but is very introspective. When they started to get used to the new ambience, AA Andrew, A Marinho and the girl decided to come late in the night to visit the Anatomy's Lab. Can you imagine what kind of things were coming into their imagination? They were a bit nervous, cause they knew it was forbbiden what they were doing, but curiosity was bigger. Suddenly, when they were in the middle of the research with a corpse, they heard a noise coming from the door. It sounded like someone was pulling a chain. Jesus, thought AA Andrew, I did not want to be here... But they also remembered that another classmate has heard their conversation. And guess, he has a funny nickname, F Frenzy. That guy, he is a strange type. He has an accurate mind, but I don't know where his ideas are going to bring him. But why are we talking about him? Ah, the noise coming from the next door! Maybe he is planning something to scare us. The girl was having chills and couldn't stop shivering. AA Andrew had his hand over his chest. A Marinho got his pocket flashlight and turned it on, pointing it to the next door. He kept quiet and inquiring countenance in his face. The tinkling sound continued even louder. A Marinho smiled somewhat sardonically. What was he thinking, no one could tell. "What's with that face?", asked AA Andrew. Marinho shrivelled his smile and muttered to his classmates "I smell something, and it's not formaldehyde, it's mockery. There's someone trying to make fun of us here. Something unusual is going to happen today, for sure. We'll find something interesting here. It's a pity F Frenzy didn't come, he would enjoy it". Afterwards, he started walking unhesitatingly towards the door. "What's the matter?", he asked his friends. "Come on, there's nothing to worry about. It is just someone trying to make fun of us. Probably F Frenzy. He heard us talking about coming here. I'm sure he said he wouldn't come just so he could hoax on us. Come on". Silence remained in the air for some seconds, and then the chain-dragging sound started again. The others were a little afraid, but they followed him. The other room was dark and smelling of mould, formaldehyde and cardice. They had a strange feeling that they were not alone, that someone was lurking in the darkness just waiting for them... A Marinho tried to turn on the light switch, but it seemed to be broken. The power wasn't off, the refrigerators were working. When the lights turned on for unknown reasons, we could see something awkward: an old woman with shining eyes! She was laughing. Suddenly, A Marinho pulled his sarcastic hammer from his pocket and tried to strike the woman, but F Frenzy mysteriously appeared and kidnapped her.
"I'm always starring in the shadows, baby, says the Alice Cooper's song, and so do I", said F Frenzy. "Have you noticed that what you said was non-sense, weirdo?" replied AA Andrew. "You can't kill this lady, freaks! Not only is she really sexy, but she's also a genius! Come with me and I'll show you!" In this room, there were some odd machines... Sort of capsules. Each one of those could bear a man! F Frenzy and the old lady explained to the students how these four capsules would work... but the goal of this experiment wasn't very clear for anyone. "Any doubts?", asked the old japanese, black-haired lady. "Yes", said the girl. "What's your name?". "Dr. Wolksvagen", replied the woman.
Than the four students entered each one a weird capsule of those (excpet for F Frenzy who dragged Dr. Wolksvagen into his own), and after Dr. Wolksvagen pressed some buttons in the remote control she had in hand, lots os smoke and light filled the room. Everything all around started shaking like in an earthquake. Soon afterwards the same room was a complete mess. And lots of papers describing Dr. Wolksvagen's plans were covering all the ground. There were a great amount of studies and mathematics formulas that were showing how to travel through alternative reallities. And there was a special one... The most recent... Pointing out that in one of these alternative reallities, they would be all in a city called Natal, in a University called UFRN... but that's just science fiction.
"I'm always starring in the shadows, baby, says the Alice Cooper's song, and so do I", said F Frenzy. "Have you noticed that what you said was non-sense, weirdo?" replied AA Andrew. "You can't kill this lady, freaks! Not only is she really sexy, but she's also a genius! Come with me and I'll show you!" In this room, there were some odd machines... Sort of capsules. Each one of those could bear a man! F Frenzy and the old lady explained to the students how these four capsules would work... but the goal of this experiment wasn't very clear for anyone. "Any doubts?", asked the old japanese, black-haired lady. "Yes", said the girl. "What's your name?". "Dr. Wolksvagen", replied the woman.
Than the four students entered each one a weird capsule of those (excpet for F Frenzy who dragged Dr. Wolksvagen into his own), and after Dr. Wolksvagen pressed some buttons in the remote control she had in hand, lots os smoke and light filled the room. Everything all around started shaking like in an earthquake. Soon afterwards the same room was a complete mess. And lots of papers describing Dr. Wolksvagen's plans were covering all the ground. There were a great amount of studies and mathematics formulas that were showing how to travel through alternative reallities. And there was a special one... The most recent... Pointing out that in one of these alternative reallities, they would be all in a city called Natal, in a University called UFRN... but that's just science fiction.
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