Maria Luiza de Oliveira
My hand trembled as I punched the number into the phone. I had to speak, but I just couldn't speak loud. It was in the room on my left side; and It was next to me enough to hear my voice. My breath was loud and rhythmic, I could hear it as I could hear the steps getting close to the door. A lady answers the call with a feline voice, slow and hoarse: “Hello… Who is it…?” I tried to speak only to discover that I could not. My voice was over. I could hear Its steps getting closer and closer. Suddenly the door began to open slowly. An outside light, maybe on the street entered shy in the room, creating a shadow of It. It because I cannot call it another way. Much terrible to be something known, with a smell that burnt all the path to my lungs, a sound noise and so quiet that hurt inner ear. It was coming nearer me... I wanted to scream, but I was not able to. I looked for a weapon, something to defend me, protect me, but there was nothing there. I thought I would die... And the steps were coming. What the hell could It be? An E.T.? A ghost? A thief? A killer? I just had a cellphone on my hand, what could I do? If I were stronger, I could hit It. Yes... I was really angry, because every time I was afraid of anything, I become angry; almost berserk. It's the animal instinct on me. I wished to hit It, punch It, kick It, stomp It, make It bleed! I went to the backdoor, hoping to see It while I was waiting It came to the front of me...
Then... I recognized the sheet: it was mine! I knew those clothes... And I saw those damn expensive sneakears appearing through the sheet. Yes, It was human, a jerk teenage boy: my own brother! He almost made my heart stop! He was kidding and I was dying! Son of a... No, I just cannot say this at all. My mum forgive me, but I DO HATE her younger son!
He recorded a lot of awkward noises from horror movies, and wore filthy clothes, and painted himself with red ink, and made everybody leave home... just to frighten me! I do not want revenge... I really hope that cursed boy to grow up and get more mature. And I will call him IT forever.
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