Saturday, September 19, 2009

Creative Writing with Google Docs

It all started last June at the ABRAPUI convention in São Paulo, when I attended a very interesting workshop on how to use google docs in English writing classes. I then decided to experiment google docs with my Reading and Writing students at UFRN this semester, and I've been really impressed with the outcomes !

With google docs, the teacher can have several students writing a story together from different computers at the same time, usually extra-class. When it comes to writing stories with google docs, students can interact and negotiate on line what the most appropriate lexico-grammatical choices are, for instance. Another advantage of co-writing stories is that if you suddently run out of ideas or get stuck with your story (which students commonly report to happen) , there are other people who may make up for that and continue the story just as beautifully.

Here are some stories my students co-wrote using google docs, departing from a common prompt (a sentence to be fit at some point in the story). Hope you enjoy reading them !
Prof. Janaina Weissheimer

1 comentários:

James Vasconcelos said...

That is just a second-to-none idea. It is simply outstanding the way professors, teachers, pupils and people who think are adapting technology to teaching and learning and consequently arousing motivation within the classroom environment around the world. Congratulations!! That's just awesome!

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