Friday, November 19, 2010

And the Lights Switched Off in the Airplane!

Three attractive guys, Amir, Samir-Hamzdik and Rarime, were coming to Brazil from New York. They seemed to be excited for that opportunity. In the air, suddenly, the airplane started to switch the lights off! The pilot warned all the passengers: “we got a terrible problem in here”. Everybody got in panic and started to scream! Ironically, the only ones who didn’t had such reaction were them. While some passengers were already asking the God’s forgiveness for their sins, the “three musketeers” were making jokes, grimaces and laughing all the time! Surprised by the guys’ reaction, a young man questioned why they were so happy in a terrible moment like that. The answer were the worst ever: “our plan is accomplished! In the name of Alah, we’re shooting down this stupid airplane to the ground! May God bless you, little bug!”.

Lucas Mateus Gonçalves Bulhões
Sandra Maria da Silva

1 comentários:

Unknown said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB WILKA!!! PROFA. JANAINA!!!!! THE WRITING IS EXCITING and everything I hoped would come out of our first experiments with flash fiction in the UFRN "DON'T BE DULL EFL READING AND WRITING WORKSHOP" in 2009: that students would see themselves as creative writers in the foreign language, sitting in the same chair as Nabokov or Conrad, who were also both second language speakers of English; that they would free themselves up from the straightjackets of imitation, to boldly produce authenitc creative writing in the second language, has come to fruition and surpassed my expectations. Profa. Janaina, bravo!!! Wilka and students, bravo!!! Right on with the write on!! Jennifer

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